A May 27, 1993 article in the MTV Register-News wrote up a story entitled,"Kanagaroo making rounds at local bars."
Bill Reynolds and his wife Jeanne, who currently owns the Custard Shop on 12th and Broadway in MTV, worked for the circus for a number of years. They had acquired a number of animals and kept them in their backyard on Stanley Ave.
Somehow, the kangaroo got loose and a cat named Todd Osborn found him. He thought it would be cool to take him to various bars in town. Someone ratted him out to Bill. Todd returned the animal to an unhappy owner.
Years later I tried joking with Bill about the matter. Sober as a judge, Bill still was not happy about the incident.
Scott has a theory that everyone in the world will pass through Mt. Vernon, Illinois, at least once in their lifetime. I like the idea, kinda like Stephen King's "Cell". But logistically, I think it might be tough. But there are things that happen there. And many times, they get reported in the local paper.
I'm glad I know no more details of where, why, even how the kangaroo spent his evening. Some things are best left to our imaginations.
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