Grandpa, Hand, Lillie were all good. But Herman and Marilyn were the best. You know, I'm not sure how long the show ran, but it was pretty creative for the 60's.
I didn't realize how pretty Marilyn was. Oh, I knew she was attractive back then, but I would never have put her in the Joey Heatherton, Tuesday Weld, Barbara Perkins class of beauties. I should have. She was just so funny. Or stupid. Not to realize how weird her family was. Even after every boyfriend that met them took off running.
Herman. What a personality. And what a garb to get dressed in for every show. To top it off, he still looked liked Fred Gywnn. I even liked him in Car 54 Where Are You. And that show was not good.
Their house..their car. They may not be too much on re-runs, but they were fun to watch in an era of ordinary tv shows. But compared to today's sit coms, maybe it was the golden age of television.
I wonder what ever happened to Marilyn? Was she type cast after that show? I never recall seeing her again. Maybe she was out of it, and didn't realize how zany (there's a TV Guide word for you) her family was. Naugh.
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