When you'd meet northern people prior to the opening of I-57 and you told them you were from MTV, they all knew The Mug. Located on Route 37, The Mug was a Mel's Drive- In without the roller skates. If you wanted roller skates, you had to head south on 37 to a Taco place where once George Harrison of Beatle fame ate. At least a stall there proclaimed it. His sister did live in Benton, some 20 miles south, and he did purchase a guitar at Fenton's Music Store in MTV, so I guess it's possible.
But The Mug was more famous. It caused massive traffic tie ups because of teens cruising to see who was at The Mug. It was a stop made at least four times a night by anyone of that age with a license. Thus, the traffic; thus the notoriety for those northbound travelers eager to get home and caught up in the logjam.
Frank Morgan was the first owner I knew of and his specialty was ribs. There was a rib pit in back of the drive-in, and Frank was expert at his craft. He also served the burgers/fries/tenderloins, but his ribs were the best. A Saturday night memory of mine as a ten- year old was Frank's ribs and the tv show Your Hit Parade that featured the Top Ten songs of the week. I loved "Splish Splash I was taking a Bath" back then. Well, I still like it and am reminded of ribs. That's what's so great about music. You hear a song and a flood of memories comes back.
I can even remember where I was when a particular song played on the radio, and it didn't have to be any major thing either. Example: we were riding around one night with just a bunch of guys, up to nothing, but possibilites of a great night. The song "Ferry Cross the Merzey" comes on the radio, and one of the guys, James Minor, makes the comment,"You know, there aren't many songs that aren't about guys or girls or getting together or breaking up. But this one's just about a place." He said this on North 27th across from Jay Paul's Cleaners now, and tell me why in the world I would remember it?
Oh well, I blame The Mug. And those ribs.
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