I learned to drink coffee. And tell me that beer's not a acquired taste. Cokes used to burn my nose when as a kid I would burp from carbonation. Thankfully I don't drink very much of any of the three, though Mountain Dews are a vice of mine. And I do get on Diet Coke runs once in awhile.
But I can't stand tea. And I wish I could. It's offered so many places where sodas are not an option. Water scares me. Drinking from the tap, I mean. I blame it on Rend Lake water--the worst water ever.
A few years ago a high school golfer died from drinking water from a cooler on the golf course. Needless to say, it reconfirmed my fears of water that's not bottled. And I know it looks like I'm a prima donna when I order bottled at restaurants, but I've paid the price, so I choose to look snooty or paranoid. But hey, I live in Scottsdale: I'm supposed to act that way, according to some.
But tea, which is brewed, is made from boiled water. So that solves my problem. Now, if I can just get past the taste.
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