You learn something everyday. I never heard of Coke gum. Peppermint at that. And what's up with the little Dutch kid? I thought he represented some other product.
Gum I have loved, I almost called this entry. Sour apple, the big ones that you can still find in some machines, is maybe my favorite. A close second was the gum once found in packs of baseball cards. The flavor never lasted long, but that was no problem. Just buy a few more packs of cards. You could still smell the sweet sugar that stuck to the back of some cards. Even if that smeared the statistics on the back or minimally stained it, it was still worth it.
Dentine was my third fave, I guess. At least that's what my mom always carried in her purse. It didn't hold up so well in jean pockets because it wasn't big enough and its wrapper wasn't very strong. I used to wrap that gum across my front teeth as I walked to school on a cold day. I must have been a mouth breather or a huffer and puffer if I thought that kept me warm. But hey, I was just a kid. Even when I was older, I would have my dad take me to Hunts' Restaurant where I could purchase hot cinnamon mints to eat while watching a high school football game on a cold Friday night.
But his was an entry about gum, not mints. So the best of the rest was just that. I liked all kinds of gum, but I wasn't a discriminate chewer.
My least favorite as always was the gum that found the bottom of your shoe. Even if it happened to be Coca-Cola gum.
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