Maybe it's because I just got back from California. I have a cause. Granted, it's minor. It won't affect most. But I'm swearing off Arrowhead bottled water.
It has been a staple in our household for nearly a decade. Oh, occasional variances into Dasani or Aquafina. But the preferred beveridge has been Arrowhead.
Until they went green. I mean their new bottles are dopey. They won't even stand up straight when full. There they lean as if they're warped. And I'm done with them. I love to support green. When it makes sense.
The new crazy light bulbs, non-incandescent are another example. They're full of mercury and are hazardous when they break. You're not even supposed to throw them away in the garbage. Well, that's not green: that, too is dopey.
And when are the green people going to get after the litterers? I'm tired of that stuff. How is that not bad for the environs? But I don't see much being done about it.
So I guess my cause is getting bigger. Hey, greenies--straighten up. Don't be a dope: be green. But only when it makes perfectly good sense.
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