Not the country. The man. Mark Cuban is an NBA owner. He runs the Dallas Mavericks. One of his players, an ingrate called Josh Howard, showed much disrespect to the National Anthem.
Basically he said because he is Black, he has no respect for the anthem. He added something about Barack Obama, but it was not clear what his comments about the Presidential candidate were.
What is clear is that this Mav is under contract for $9 million dollars in a country that he doesn't care for because he's Black. And some of you readers thought it took Michelle Obama a long time to get it.
I want to dismiss him as an idiot, to call him "Raca", but scripture tells us not to, so I won't even refer to him as O'Reilly does, "a pinhead". But his beliefs, his anger however misdirected, are becoming more prevalent in our country. A nation of whiners? A nation of ingrates? A nation of those unable to think?
I'm not sure what we have become. I just hope it's a relative few who seem to be grabbing headlines. Where's the Silent Majority?
Meanwhile Howard has a required meeting with the NBA commissioner. That'll put an end to it. Right. And Mark Cuba will only sign good citizen players to his basketball team.
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