Vultures circled the skies waiting for a meal. But they had to get in line. First scavenger on the scene was a yellow billed kite. After he's finished, the bateleurs followed. In German, bateleur means beggar. Wahlberg's eagles were next. Then it was the vultures. They get the juicy remains. It's a chain; it's a hierarchy; its the cycle.
The hooded, the lappetfaced, and the whitebacked vultures were the ones we saw on safari in South Africa. Three buzzards were listed in our comprehensive bird guide, but we were shut out in that area.
And what's the difference between vulture and buzzard? The buzzard is better looking. No, I really don't know. As I've written before, loyal reader(s), I am a latent bird watcher. But if we had had the beautiful birds that Africa possesses, I would have been attracted to them sooner in life.
From kingfishers to jacanas, to my favorite of all--the red billed hornbill. Well, sometimes when I'm desert-locked/land locked, I miss the ocean and cruising. Today, I'm missing the safari.
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