So where did it go? And do we get it back? And what about the 1.5 billion request to Congress to combat the overhyped swine flu? And GM is next to file bankruptcy?
Oh, yeah, what an economic turn around! We're certainly on the right track now. We voted for change. That's about all we have left. Ain't we smart?
Had Chrysler kept making cars like the one pictured, they never would have been in financial straits. Now, that car is a beauty. Made by auto workers who prided themselves in their jobs. Or, at least I like to think so.
I know workers in other industries who took pride in whatever they were doing. But that was possibly due to no unions squawking about how bad their lives were.
But back to the economy. Now, Lehman Bros want 1.7 billion or so because they didn't get bailed out like AIG. Sadly, they'll probably get it, too. Where does it all end?
And while I'm belly aching, how about this little side bar? According to, well, you wouldn't know him anyhow, a friend, Mr. and Mrs. Obama have not been to church in his first 100 days. Including Easter. He did say the US wasn't a Christian nation. I guess he's out to prove it.
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