I get asked that when our temperatures sky rocket. They are in full bloom this week.
Cases in point: it was 97 degrees at 5:30 this morning. I waited until we were half way in our three mile walk to reveal that stat. to my wife.
Yesterday at 3:30 with the temperature at 115, I walked about a quarter mile to put a letter in the mailbox down the street. Of course I was the only one walking. But even at 6:15 AM, we are usually the only ones walking. In the bright sunshine, I was toast as I made the PM walk.
In our pool, I can burn myself on any part of the raft not submerged. I learned early on not to touch the end of any golf club when an iron literally becomes an iron, but this is the first time I've encountered the blue raft burn.
Even with humidity hovering in the upper teens, it is still a scorcher. Tomorrow's golf game, a tee time at 6:48 at Camelback, is appropriately named. If I blog tomorrow, you'll know I made it.
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