I'm not much to rub it in. On rare occasions I might nudge a Cub fan about the futility of their baseball club, but usually only after a brag or a (yet another "wait till next year"), but I learned a long time ago about things coming around or back to me.
Lots of sunny vacations, friends have revelled in snow back home and "those poor suckers", but I've usually had friends or relatives there that I felt for. So I ddin't partake in others' miseries.
Well, this is one time that I'm glad D.C. is getting slammed. You see when the nation's capital is literally shut down because of 2 or 3 feet of snow, then legislation comes to a halt. To me, one who espouses less government is better, then this bad weather (snowmaggenden? who thunk that up?) is indeed a Godsend. If those who want to obliterate what our country stands for and was built upon and put in place something that has failed time and time again throughout history, then I say "let it snow/let it snow/let it snow".
Just think of it as a filibuster. A welcomed one at that.
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