There's also a weigh out. Which can be way out. Too much Summer 2010 packed on ungainly (I wish) pounds on my frame. You'd think a guy could eat a scoop, usually two of gelatto every Italian day. Then after a big meal lasting a minimum of one and a half hours, top it off with a little creme broulle. Saying there's a little creme broulle is like saying our current Prez blames his predecessor once in awhile. In fact one I knows calls him Mr. Oblamer. But back to my weight. Well, I wish I were back to my weight.
But as the title says, "There's always a way out."
Way out, man, used to be a Sixties expression for something or someone who was beyond the scope of current vogue. During those times, if one were "Way Out", then he/she was definitely different. S. R. Clark was one of those guys. He just hung out at MTVCC which shared a campus with MTVHS. If S.R. ever attended class or was even enrolled is conjecture. His uniqueness. His raincoat. He was never without it. Never. Epaulets on each shoulder, it ran mid-calf and made him look like a stereotypical spy. Some people taunted him (imagine that), some scorned him (imagine that), some talked to him (I probably engaged him in three conversations total), but most feared him. Trench Coat Clark some called him. Was he a freak? In every sense of the word.
A friend of mine told me how he (my friend--not S.R.) had come to the Lord. "I got myself into a situation that I couldn't buy my way out of. I couldn't lie my way out of. I had to have help and I turned to God." As long as I've known him, and as much of our lives we have shared, I don't know any more specifics than that. I wouldn't tell you if I knew. I have never prodded him. I don't need to know. The important thing is, he knew whom to turn to and receive forgiveness and begin a life of following his Lord and Savior. That's not only good enough for me, that's blessed.
Hopefully, you're not like my weigh out. Nor S.R.'s way out. But feel free to follow my friend. Now there's the best way out.
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