On the QT

Monday, December 13, 2010

and why Archie and I disliked them.
I also never liked "Act of God" days. All days are acts of God. He created them; He created us;He created all things according to scripture. So why stick Him with a bad weather day?
But back to why I didn't like them. It required me to shovel the stuff. For my wife to be able to get to work. Businesses don't have that luxury. Then I had to drive in it to shovel my parents' driveway. Even if they had no intention of driving, they neither one could stand to have snow piled high and deep.
Another reason is that the kids would want to play in the snow. Not me. Building a snowman, sledding, snowball forts and fights. Un Uh. Chapped hands, frozen fingers and nose, well, I can't think of too many things I'd rather not do.
And if I can't be outside in comfortable temperatures, then I'm usually grumpy. So what's there to do? Read and watch tv or clean closets? I can read outside in good weather. Sit by the fire? Sitting in the sun is more fun for me.
Archie didn't like it either. Well, I suppose he didn't. This is a picture of Mr. Archie Ferbus from Johnston City, IL taken in 1935. No, I don't know him; I just found the mugshot on-line with the caption that he'd swallowed his nose. It is a great face to make, I guess, if there's any demand for that.
The worst reason for having a snow day, and the one apparently that most forget is the day has to be made up. In May or early June when the weather's a whole lot better.
I say have school and those who can make it go. Those who can't stay home, enjoy the snow, but no make up. That's how much I didn't like snow days: I'd rather go to school and let others stay home and play in the white junk than take a snow day that had to added to the school calendar deprving me of one of my Summer vacation days.


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