So just what kind of guy goes to a game looking like this Mav fan? And why?
Mr.Basketball Head went to a lot of work to achieve this special look. He had to have a lot of help with the paint, too.
But why? Did he really need attention that badly? After he got noticed, was that really the way he wanted people to see and or remember him?
Just how does that help the team? Do you think they noticed him? Would he be able to ignite crowd support? You know, like those guys who stand up and turn around and try to get others fired up? Don't they have cheerleaders for that?
I'm not talking about a rite of passage that fans from grade school through college go through to show support and gain attention. But they're finding their niche. They're having mostly good, clean fun. The old Mav fan pictured is too old to have fun, right? Well, at least to dress that way.
I have trouble with the NBA finals anyhow. I grew up a St. Louis Hawks fan. They won one championship, made one stupid, stupid trade of Bill Russell and fled to Atlanta. Then after awhile it was the Bulls and Jordan. I never liked that team because primarily of its location, but I never much cared for Jordan and his walking baseline move that refs allowed him to take, so our son and I chose the Bad Boy Pistons of Bill Laimbeer and Zeke Thomas to support. Again one championship.
Then we moved to Arizona where the futile Suns tease at times but never have won a title. Never going back to 1969 when they let them in the league. That's a drought starting to get Cub-like in nature.
So when this season's finals began, I mostly ignored. Five minutes is about all I watched. LeBron Vs Cuban. What a choice.
I suppose the lesser of two evils prevailed, but the Mavs won hands down for the dumbest looking fan.
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