On the QT

Monday, September 26, 2011


Because it ain't as good.  That's why.

Remember the New Coke?  It was terrible.  Flat.  No carbonation.  It didn't last, but Diet Coke has, and as a good, skinny friend of mine says, "The only people I ever see drinking Diet Coke are fat."

How about the new energy saving light bulbs?  Heck yes they save energy, but  putting in a lower wattage bulb would accomplish the same thing and not contain mercury and all the other stuff the new ones contain.  Yet neither alternative addresses the problem of adequate light.

The Beatles.   When most others not of the 60's generation were criticizing them, we knew.  We recognized their greatness, their universal appeal, their permanence.  Who's been better?  Maybe to some, Elvis, but if that's so, that further enhances my argument because he preceded them.

Automobiles?  Oh, don't go there.  Except in terms of gas mileage.  Maybe some, certainly not my, GPS or navigational system.  But style--forget it.  They all look the same and none can compare to the '57 Chevy convertible I saw and drooled over yesterday.

So give me new.  I'm ready.  By the way, if Herman Cain gets the GOP nomination and Hillary doesn't unseat Obama as the Dem candidate, will Blacks who vote for Obama be racist because he's only half Black?  Just wondering.


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