In 1995 we were invited to join Gov. Jim Edgar on a trade misssion to Europe. As you can imagine, I was spousal. We went the following year to the Far East. At least there, I got to talk to some grade school students and teachers at a school in China. But back to Johnny Depp.
The first time we were in Berlin we were enjoying a night on the Kufiester Daum or Ku Daum which I've still probably misspelled. In the afternoon on this same street or thoroughfare the Gov's bodyguard, a rugged well-built guy had been mugged by two teenage girls. One stole his wallet and stuffed it in her bra. He caught up with them, applied pressure to the girl's wrists and got back his wallet. Of the 25 or so others members of our group spread out all over the Ku Daum, and most less physical than the bodyguard, these girls made a bad choice. But back to Johnny Depp.
There was a beer garden on the street where many people were sitting as they do in Europe enjoying the evening and conversation. Next door to the beer garden was a huge movie complex. There was to be a film opening that night and all the glitz and gala stuff that accompanies it. A chicago recent acquaintance and I felt the street life and beer might be a better choice than getting a glimpse of some older German movie star that the buses and papers had been touting. Interestingly enough, the marquees were announcing in wrap around teletype the incredulous o.j. simpson verdict. But back to Johnny Depp.
Cameras, flood lights, bright lights were washing the Berlin sky, so my friend and I decided to leave our choice seats and observe all the commotion. Johnny Depp (see I told you I'd get to it) and this 80-year old German actress were walking out of the theatre. And the people were going crazy. I found Caroline, stood next to her as a rush of people carried us out into the street. If you've ever been Who"d you know what I mean. You have no contol of where you're going. The crowd rules and you follow. I was nearly hit by a passing bus, but Caroline's left foot was inches from being run over by the bus.
Johnny and the old gal got wisked away, and the crowd broke up. I took my wife, all in one piece, back to the beer garden for some of the best frankfurters I ever had. I still don't know what all the fuss was about.
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