I'm so out of it, I have no idea who these two are. They may be even one. They're called Rare Rain and Summer Phoenix. I don't even know what they do.
But it sure describes our weather. We are currently in our 120th day of no rain. Nunca. Zilch. Nary a drop. That's one-third of a year. October 19 was the last time.
Normally we get 5-6 inches per year, I believe. I remember one year we only got 4, but it was spread out so it seemed great to me. And last year we got 8-9 and Those in the Know said the drought was over.
We have plenty of water thanks to the Colorado River and Salt River Project and other sources. We use untreated water for our golf courses and I suppose our sprinkler systems. I hope so, because my grass is very green and it gets watered often. Our drinking water is a little better than Rend Lake's, although I drink mostly the bottled stuff.
That's probably more than you needed to know about the water in the Southwest. As much as I dislike dark clouds and rainy days, if you can do a little rain dance for us, it would be appreciated. Also, let me know who these two in the picture are.
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