And I'm glad I did. The DaVinci Code that is. With this week being the holiest of weeks for Christians, I thought a little preaching in order.
Where else to begin but with this novel. Yes, it was a novel. Which means fiction. And we all know several of these that have been written in poor taste. This one tops the list.
When my wife purchased the book, maybe two years ago, anyway(s) when it first came out, she read it first since she reads much faster and is a more dedicated reader than I. She didn't say much about it, but that's pretty normal; we usually don't talk much about a book we co-purchase until we've both finished.
When it was my turn, I raved about it. For about 90 pages. I remember saying, "You didn't tell me what a great book this is." Her response, "How far along are you?" When I told her, she replied, "Keep reading, but I don't think you'll like it."
Intrigued, puzzled, confused, I mean it had a great plot. It had a murder mystery. It took place in Paris, a city we know a little about; in the Louvre, we could picture much of it clearly in our minds. Until.
Blasphemy! Our Lord Jesus, just a person like everyone else! I don't think so. That's what the Easter season is all about. He is Risen!! He is Risen indeed!!
And no secular dan brown book will ever put an inkling of doubt in the minds of Christians.
I threw our copy in the trash after I finished it. I can't remember doing that with any other book. There are so many great books out there--please don't waste your time on it. Try Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life instead. It answers the question, "Why was I put on this earth anyhow?" And, of course, HAPPY EASTER!
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