Monday will mark my two month anniversary. From when I left for Israel. Maybe after two months, it's time to get over the trip. Nope. I never will. Nor do I want to.
Pictured is the Sea of Galilee and an all wooden boat we encountered on the sea. Ours was similar. One thing that made ours different was the waving of the flags of Israel and the USA. It was very awesome when they raised those flags next to each other and played our national anthem.
I'm sure I wasn't the only one to pray, "May they both long wave." They looked so good together, so natural.
The Sea of Galilee is 13 miles long, 7 miles wide, and 150 feet deep at the center. Mental images of Jesus walking on water and of Jesus calming the storm came to mind. On this sun swept day, there wasn't a ripple not made by the Jesus Boat, as it was called.
Speaking of calling, Simon, Andrew, John and James, sons of Zebedee were disciples called on these shores. In fact all except Judas lived near the Sea of Galilee.
From the book of Matthew, we are reminded that we are called, too. Called to give up all that the world has to offer for all that eternity has to offer. The work of drawing men and women to the Savior began here on the Sea of Galilee.
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