Remember that clinton expression when he ran against George Bush I? So why doesn't George W. reinstate it? Nothing else seems to work for the poor guy the second time around.
He can't even catch a break on his CIA appointment. In the old days of political jockeying, the other party would allow a nominee, then grill them once in office. No more. And to top it off, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, Iran, and Sudan are all causing all kinds of various problems. Not to mention Mexico. At least France has cooled for awhile.
His Veep has been no help with shooting a hunting partner and ticking off Russia. It doesn't help that the dems have pounded his Big Oil interests along with W's as high gasoline prices soar.
No help from Laura Bush either. Or even the beloved Barbara. And Cheney's wife (does he even have one?) She's completely disappeared (if she ever existed.)
George I? Well, he's buddying around with bill clinton. Why? Well, he is getting old. Gosh, I don't know.
What's left? The economy. It's fantastic! Even with high oil prices, all the leading economic indicators point to a robust economy. The DOW is nearing 11,000 again. Unemployment--there is none. People are spending and buying stuff on credit. Housing is up nearly everywhere. Especially for first time buyers. Greenspan's out, but the new guy looks good and safe.
Memo to George W. Bush. Learn to deflect as President Reagan did. You're Bush II: become Teflon II. It's all about the economy. Drum that hard. Ride that horse. Either that or become as invisible as Lynne Cheney.
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