A poorly officiated series of the lakers vs.the Suns broke out. Oh, man here he goes crying about the refs. Crying about the Suns.
You got that right. Was Nash mugged twice? Do you think Jones got pushed when taking a great pass for a lay up at the end of regulation?
"Oh, they're not going to make that call there. They'll let the players decide the outcome." Ok, then let's not call any fouls at anytime. Texas basketball, we called it in high school p.e.
"Nash, the reigning MVP didn't get the call." Why should he? Why should maddux and glavine and smoltz get a larger strike zone in baseball? Man, just call the game. That's why I left the NBA in the first place. Michael jordan and his baseline walks that were never called.
Officials are good. My goodness they are unbelievably good. Until they stop giving and not calling and utilizing make up calls. Just ref the game, fellas (and ladies, and some of them are fantastic, too.) Until they let up or let down.
At least Major League umps now get together to discuss controversial calls that an ump, even a great one can miss. Had they done that in 1995, the Cardinals would have one more World Series under their belt, and a good man, a great umpire, Mr. Denkinger would have had a better career and reputation.
C'mon refs: it may be too late for the Suns, but that will be a small price to pay, if you just respect the game and call it like you see it.
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