What a great picture! Although grammatically there should be a comma after you, for direct address. And you don't get too much more direct than when you go to God.
I'm reminded of so many things when I look at a picture like this. One is "The Happy Dancing Song" that Chris sang on The American Idol last week. I think its real title is "What a Wonderful World," but somehow our family called it by a different name. It could have something to do with a Scott Q movie or a lawn art thing at the Mitchell Museum.
Our Bible Study Fellowship teaching leader last night in our study of Joseph from Genesis identified the most difficult concept to grasp from the Bible. Giving thanks. When we are given difficulty and loss, it was at the hand of God. Why? Because hen we realize there was a purpose for it and accept it, we grow. Talk about growing pains! And we are told in other places in scripture that if we accept all the good things God brings our way, then we are to accept the bad. And give thanks. That sure takes a mature Christian.
But where would we be if we couldn't thank God? Where would we be if we didn't have Him to rely on? While it's so difficult to pattern our thoughts after Jacob's touching prayer about his son,"if I am bereaved, I'm bereaved," and not complain, it's comforting to know that God has it all planned out for us. We just have to be strong in the faith.
Thanks, God.
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