Except for the few fans in right field, this picture illustrates a lot of good things about the good old game. The correct way to slide, the old uniforms without numbers or names on the back, correct position of the umpire, grass field, pants worn high, some would say day game.
Pete Rose popularized the headfirst slide known in our Northbrook neighborhood as a "Petie". Of course, the trouble with it is that it hurts to make that slide. I don't think it gets the runner there any faster. I know there are lots more injuries to the hands and shoulders. And you certainly can't hook slide, one of the greatest baserunning or basesliding tools ever. It, too, has become a lost art.
I like the idea of no names or numbers on the back. Maybe something about too much advertising in sports. I mean pro golfers are starting to look like nascar with all the logos on their clothes. Just play the game. Your followers will know when you're in or not. Do I have to read PUJOLS and 5 on his back? I don't think so.
The umpire is in perfect position to call the play. His vantage point is heightened by his low position. (Hey that might be a dichotomy or something.) You don't see many today make that effort. Today's umps don't seem to enjoy their jobs.
Grass fields are a no-brainer. Richie Allen had it right in 1970 when he said, "If horses don't eat it, I don't want to play on it." Day games are nice, but so are night games when as a kid you get to stay up way late if you live 75 miles away as we did. The field is so bright with the lights. Now for playoff games and World Series' forget it. Play them all in the daytime so to build fan base. What fan wants to go to sleep not knowing if his/her team won or not? Make them all in the day. Advertisers will still pay.
High socks. Oh yeah. I was with Derek Harlan at a Cardinal Winter Warm Up when he asked J. D. Drew before his rookie year if he was going to wear his socks high or not. He said he didn't know, but you could tell that he loved the question and was going to give it serious thought.
So why the title of the blog? The baserunner is Wally Pipp. Had he sucked it up and not asked for a day off, then Lou Gehrig would have been on the pines and not replaced him that day. Pipp never regained his starting positon.
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