We've all been given a second chance. By someone, somewhere, sometime. Many of us have been given thirds and fourths and ad infinitums.
We should be thankful for them. Many times we're not. We humans learn the hard way. Sometimes the only way we get something through our vanity or pride, our youthful indescretions, our lapses in judgment.
I know we are not to judge others. Someone far greater than all of us put together is the only judge. We've been told that time and time again in scripture. But that doesn't stop us from making judgments about others. There's even a fairly new book out about snap judgments, Blink. The author makes the point that somehow our snap judgments or first instincts are correct in a majority of situations. It's a good read.
So where am I headed? I'm not sure. What I mean is I try not to judge people, but I'm told I'm a good judge of character. I try to give people second (or more) chances. But this steroid thing in major league baseball has me puzzled.
Jason Giambi used them and he's still playing. Sosa corked a bat and was caught and fined and then he lied to Congress when he said he couldn't understand English. McGwire lied, too. He said he would serve on a committee to help stop steroid use among youth. He never followed up on it. I guess he wasn't there to talk about the future either. Then there's Mr. Bonds. And Balco. And clear and cream and more denials.
It's hard not to judge. But I kinda feel like DeNiro burning pictures. Now, where are all my old baseball cards? Naugh. There are too many good guys in the game. Gonzales, Pujols, Eckstein. I could go on and on. Where's my old commissioner card?
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