I know high school students got tired of hearing about Toss No Mas. It was an anti litter program I started after traveling through New Mexico when I saw their advertisement.
Toss No Mas or Toss No More or Don't Throw Stuff Down has worked in New Mexico and we offered enough incentives to make it somewhat effective at the high school.
One student, Kelly Lund, told me it had changed her life. "I didn't used to think a thing about throwing down a gum wrapper or soda cup. Now I don't. You changed my whole life." At least the way she looked at litter.
I miss the chance to educate people about litter. It's so easy to pocket that wrapper. It's so easy to dispose of empty cups and take out sacks. Even if you have to hold on to them for awhile.
When I'm finished with a brat or a tray with nachos, catfish, and drink holder at the ballgame, I always get up and throw the trash away. Invariably, an usher thanks me for doing what everyone should be doing anyway(s). And don't ever buy the old line,"They pay people to do that." Cop out. Lazy. As my 3 year old grandson says, "Get on your feet, G-Daddy."
Whether it's Toss No Mas or Give a Hoot--Don't Pollute, please clean up your act. Don't make me have to tell you again.
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