The hiatus has been a technologically caused one. In San Diego for the week helping our daughter move, we found her new digs didn't haven't a telephone jack in the computer room. She improvised a hook up in her bedroom floor where all I would have to do is sit spraddled legged in the floor and look up to her cedar chest at the monitor. I chose hiatus.
Our Western trip was great, topped off by great cookouts and weather. But one of the highlights certainly was the sermon preached by her pastor, Scott Furrow. I told him after the service how much I enjoyed the sermon. I didn't tell him I would blog about it.
In the new Superman movie, Superman stands not for "truth, justice, and the American way," as he did back in the day. Today, he stands for "truth, justice, and all that stuff." Omission by innuendo is still omission. Or rejection. The last two sentences were mine, so you're getting a Furrow/TQ version on the July 2 sermon at First Baptist Church of San Diego.
Our Time is still the American Way, Superman movie-goers. And what's wrong with the American Way in 2006? Plenty. We act as though we are the busiest people in the history of the world. We don't have time for God. We better make time. We must return to the basics. Did you know that with the exception of Cornell, all the other Ivy League schools were seminaries? Founded to study religion and prepare those students for the clergy. I don't know the number of Ivy Leaguers that even attend a weekly church service, but I'm afraid it's low.
Some say the Civil War tide turned at Vicksburg, Mississippi. They must have believed it, for in Vicksburg they refused to celebrate July 4 for 84 years after the war. Not until 1947 when General Dwight Eisenhower went to Vicksburg on Independence Day did they began celebrating again. They waited for a great man to show them the right way, the American Way.
America is waiting again. Our time is right now. Our great man far exceeds Mr. Eisenhower. He is the Lord God Almighty. He has blessed America, again and again. Rather than Him returning to us, we have to return to Him.
If you were not in a worship service last week, that's ok. Our God is a forgiving God. Let's help turn the tide. Let's get American back to God. One at a time.
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