Why is it that when I have a head cold, everyone knows? I snort, I snuff, I sneeze louder than almost anybody, I lose my voice, I hack. Not everybody acts that way. Shoot, my wife is cute with a cold. She may have all the symptoms, but she doesn't show thm to the world. Just a little gruffer voice.
I've noticed that with others, too. They say they
feel terrible, but you wouldn't know it by their actions. Some even carry a kleenex but just dab at their noses. I need a box. And then that's often not enough as my nose decides to trickle down to my neck. And that's going through a multi-colored moustache, soul patch, and goatee.
I have a theory. Maybe those who wear their colds for all to see, rarely have headaches. At least I almost never do. I've had fewer than 30 in my whole life. Now that's got to be close to the record. I know people that have them almost daily, and I'm not talking about the unfortunates with migraines. I simply don't get them. When I do, one aspirin always takes care of it.
Colds--now that's another story. On a good year I have two bad colds. On a bad year, maybe six. And if you're in the vicinity, you'll know it.
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