Sundance is on the far left, Butch the far right in this photo from 1900 or so. Kid Curry was another of this famous gang popularized by the 1970's movie. The Arizona Cardinals left St. Louis for sunnier climes in 1988.
The connection? Well, two current St. Louis Rams didn't know that the Arizona Cardinals used to be the St. Louis (football) Cardinals. One claimed he was only 6 at the time of the move, the other 5. So it got me wondering what today's youth think of when they hear of Jesse James' gang or Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid's Hole-in-the-Wall gang.
I mean their gangsters are well, Gangsta. Along with Tupac and the Notorious B-I-G. Naugh, I think they're both dead now. How about Busta Rimes and Bow Wow? And you thought I wasn't hip. Hop.
Anyway(s), if two professional football players don't know where their hometeam used to play, then what's today's youth know about gangs?
"Which one in the picture was the grafitti artist?"
"Who played bass?" (way too loud)
"What were their colors?"
It would be endless and fruitless to try to explain to the "yutes" as Danny DeVito called them in a 90's movie.
I wonder what the two Rams thought when told that the football Cardinals started in Chicago?
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