Since we've moved to the desert, I've attended every St. Louis Rams/St. Louis, err...Arizona Cardinals game when I've been in town. There has always been a huge contingent of Rams fans.
I always wear an old Rams generic jersey, the bright blue and yellow colors, with Rams written on the front just above #80. It's really a crummy shirt. The condition is fine: it's just goofy. It can't decide if it's a jersey or a tee shirt. I think one reason I like it is because of the great colors and reminders of the Super Bowl victory.
Yet another reason is that one day when I wore it to class, supporting the Student Council by wearing your favorite tee shirt/jersey with your favorite team, a student of mine thought I was also wearing shoulder pads. I figure if a preppy little freshman girl thought I looked that big in the shoulders, then the shirt must fit me pretty well.

I always get comments on it when I wear it because it's old. And because there are always a lot of Rams fans at the hometown Cardinals games.
I'm afraid not anymore. The new stadium displayed not only a beautiful facility, but one other striking sight--football Cardinal red. Nearly everywhere the tv cameras (yes, it was sold out and for the first time I could watch a home game on tv in Arizona) panned, there were Cardinal fans wearing Cardinal jerseys. What a strage sight!
So when my wife and I go to Cardinal Stadium Sunday afternoon all decked out in our Ram aparrel, I expect to hear some negative comments from the hometowners. But I'm ready. And I've had experience. When J. D. Drew took Schilling deep in the 8th inning of a 1-0 playoff game in 2001 in Arizona, Courtney and I were the only fans standing and cheering except for a group behind the St. Louis dugout.
We left after the next inning when Tony Womack scored the winning run off that dirty Kline pitcher. The fans were going wild: it was thunderously loud.
We probably won't stick around for the end of the Rams game on Sunday. You see, they don't know how to handle post football game traffic in Arizona. But it's ok. A least now they/we have a pro team.
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