I've climbed into the Lady's crown at the Statue of Liberty. I've also climbed to the top of the castle and kissed the Blarney Stone.
I've climbed the bleachers to the MTV Press Box. I've graded countless papers on the second and third floor fire escapes outside C Building.
I've read the account to Jacob and his vision of a ladder that allowed angels to descend and ascend to heaven. Although I never really undertood the lyrics, I've listened numerous times to the song "Stairway to Heaven".
But the first sign that I was getting older was when I had to breathe harder after climbing just a couple of flights of stairs. You'll have to bear with me since my high school class reunion and subsequent birthday last week, I guess I'm having thoughts of mortality. And how danged old I'll be at our next reunion.
Anyway(s), I'd suggest taking the escalators and elevators. Ward off old age. And any symptons that get you thinking about it.
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