I walked into the Carl Sweinferth Building at the Mitchell Museum for our Friday night get-reacquainted-remember me?-Part I of our 40th MtV High School class reunion and ran smack into these two from my grade school years at Field/Hall School.
Not really, but when I walked in, I thought where's my class? This must the 50th reunion of Mike Davidson and Lee Myers' class of 1956. Nope. I was right the first time. Where did all the old timers come from? Did not seeing me for so many years age them dramatically? Naugh, I can't be blamed for that.
So why do people go to class reunions anyway(s)? Is it to recapture a past? Reinvent a time now lost? Show off their title, spouse, job, hair, waistline? Bask in past glory? Touch base with those they've ignored for 10 years?
Gossip? Gloat? Grovel?
Reflect? Reject? Reminisce?
Self-evaluate? Compare? Examine? Share? Belong?
I suspect maybe a little of many, a little of a lot, a little of all.
But I think the main reason is to savor. And celebrate that. And set aside that time, make it significant. Mark it, recognize its importance. Commemorate. Savor what was, what never was, what might have been.
It was, as always, a good reunion. Go to yours: everyone needs a little savoring now and then.
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