Marty Prather, the Sign Man, is a friend of mine. He displays signs at all the Cardinal games. Most have clever sayings on them as the one to the left. One of his more mundane signs is "Carpenter has all the Tools". And he's 100% right.
If anyone could bottle what Carpenter brings to the table day after day, they could make a fortune. First, his demeanor. His expression never changes. He never shows emotion on the hill. He never questions an umpire with words or body language. He just performs. Secondly, his approach. Mix 'em up. It seems so simple --up and away and down and in, but not a lot of guys practice that. Chris does. Third, his intelligence. If Polanco can't handle the inside pitch because of an injury, then pound him there. When you go outside, be sure it's out of the strike zone. Fourth, his economy. Don't try to strike out everybody. Leave that to Zambrano. Carpenter threw 82 pitches last night and completed 8 innings. Robertson threw 90+ pitchers through 5 innings. Fifth, his batting. Not a great hitter at all, he can still bunt and generally put the bat on the ball. If a pitcher can't do that, he's simply not trying very hard.
Game Three of the 2006 World Series was a classic. A classic example of why Chris Carpenter and the St. Louis Cardinals will be the world champions after two or three more games.
Go Cardinals!
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