Ok, Maybe the fireworks are a little premature for the Cardinals/Met NLCS. But only because the Cardinals don't have another pitcher named Jeff.
After two tremendous starts by Jeff Weaver and Jeff Suppan, things are looking very good for the Cardinals. And no I haven't forgotten Chris Carpenter. Isn't his middle name Jeffrey? Well, it should be.
What a great night for Soup! And on the national stage. All the cliches came out:
"He put on a clinic." "You just have to tip your hat to him." "He gave 110%." (Ok, I never heard anyone say that, but someone probably did.) "He increased his value as a free agent." "He was in control from start to finish."
The Mutts are reeling now, putting their hopes on the left wing of Oly Perez. Granted, if the Cardinals can't figure out Darren Oliver, how are they going to hit this lefty in Game 4? Motivation for one thing. When you have a comfortable lead and your starter is cruising, your intensity isn't magnified as much. Sometimes you go through the motions, subconsciously, to get back into the field and let the master finish his masterpiece. And I'm not pulling a Pujols here--Darren Oliver was a stud, but only after he allowed two inherited base runners to score making it 5-0 rather than 3-0.
So the Met and Jeff show continues tonight. Let's hope "Jeff" Reyes can re-discover his magical game against the White Sox and shut down the New Yorkers.
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