With all kinds of things to write about today, I ignore John Kerry (hey, at least Rush offered an apology) (did he think the draft was still going on and if you didn't study, you'd be stuck in Iraq?) as I ignored him two years ago. I also chose not to get all excited about my beloved Suns first game of the season. And for good reason--they didn't get too excited after their first quarter outburst of 41 points.
Anyway(s), The Tip could have been entitled Faceoff, Coin Toss, or Kickoff. It's all about control. Of course, it could have been the tip of the iceberg for a tryst. Who knows?
What about the dialogue? I don't like all the quotation marks, and he said, she replied: thus, little punctuation, but you get the idea. What motivates the girl? The guy and the former girlfriend, probably a rival or enemy.
What's the conflict? To wrestle away the guy from the old flame. Is she succesful? After a very short conversation.
Who's the aggressor? Both--it shifts.
And why does she reject him? Because she won. She could have him; she's taken him away from the rival. She wanted what she wasn't allowed. She got him. But she doesn't want him. She wanted control. She got it. But she'll move on to someone else. Someone she can't attain. Until she can, and then she doesn't want him anymore.
Finally, when will I stop being an English teacher? Probably the same time I ditch, the Cardinals, Rams, and Suns.
Note: please refer to yesterday's entry for a view of The Tip.
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