South America has color galore. It seems as if they conspire to get just the right effect, even in the barrios. This picture was taken in Italy, and one way you can tell it's not Chile, for example, is that there are not a lot of high rises due to eathquakes.
Don't get me wrong:there are hotels with many floors, but not too many low priced homes or apartments rise to the sky unless they were built with earthquake proof plans in mind.
Another reason you can tell this is not South America is that I don't have the tech ability to get or scan our pictures. Someday, maybe.
In our AZ home, we are under the watch of an HOA who determine what colors our houses can be painted. We have to get their pemission even to paint it the same color. But I think it must have started in Latin America anyway(s).
The tango section of Buenos Aires is very similar to the colors in the picture. Uruguay also claims to have invented the tango, but if they have a section in Montevideo, they didn't show it to us. So I'm going with Argentina as home to the tango. But then again, who really cares? As far as Argentina or Uruguay, color them both tango. Just be sure to get permission.
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