I'm playing golf today at W---- well I got such a good deal that they asked in the reservation notice "be considerate and not share your good fortune with others at the golf facility who may have paid a higher (much) rate." Parentheses mine.
It's a high dollar course that I've never played, even in the summer when rates plunge greatly.
At SteinMart a few weeks ago I paid $10 for an Ashworth golf shirt that I'll probably wear to play at W--- today. Another good deal. And we all love good deals.
But far too many people ignore the greatest deal ever offered to man--salvation. By admitting that you're a sinner (we all are) and that nothing you can do can ever earn your salvation, no matter how good a person you are, or how many great things you have done, you're on your way. The next step is to believe that Jesus Christ was and is who He said He was--the very Son of God who lived and died on a cross to save us from our sins. He rose after three days, was seen by hundreds of people, acsended to heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father and intercedes for us today. If you believe, ask forgiveness for your sins, and desire to follow Jesus, then you have achieved the ultimate deal. You are saved and will spend eternity in heaven.
Please accept Jesus today. It's the greatest offer you will ever receive. It's real (not like the picture). And it's free.
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