I'm not watching the Emmys tonight. I don't watch the Grammys either. I'm tired of the forum. I'm sickened by the stage. All they've become is an outlet for liberal venting and championing their causes.
Sports is all that's left. All that's wrong with sports is obvious. But at least, for the most part, they focus on their craft. They don't showcase their political leanings. And I like that.
If I want Carvel or O'Reilly, then I'll watch, and I do once in awhile. But why would I care if Barbra is left wing, if the Dixie Chicks don't like W, or if algore wins an emmy because he's a democrat? Ask him why he and BClinton didn't fund monies for global warming as much as Geo W., but he'll divert to congress. Don't let him off that easy: it was a Democrat majority for awhile.
My point is this; choose your arena. But don't expect me to support the arts when you politicize them.
Go Team, Go. And do what you do best--perform.
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