So now they're telling us Cleopatra might not have been beautiful. A coin featuring the Egyptian showed a sharp nose and chin and thin lips. A coin, also unearthed from olden times, showed a striking similarity to Marc Antony's countenance. So why do we assume the coinist(if you can't coin a coin word what can you coin?) was expert at his craft? I mean just because the Pyramids were pretty good.
But, on the other hand, if it weren't close to being accurate would Cleopatra allowed its distribution? Maybe it even flattered her. I read once that she only had one bath in her life. A second one was afforded her upon preparation of her body for burial. So I don't know if she was beautiful, but I know she was smelly.
On another note about beauty, my son on his blog site has been asking SI not to choose any more thin models for their cover. As he would say at Kamikazemaddogs.com "You see, that's proof that Sports Illustrated reads my blog." Of course, I'm talking about the choice of Beyonce for the SI cover shot. And while modern America may question Paula Abdul's claim that she's never been drunk or high, no one would question Beyonce's anorexia.
Beauty. "She's a beauty." "It's a beaut." Even this year again "bootyliscious." At least I bet Beyonce bathes often.
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