I mean a holiday just about love. Valentine's Day was not just made for florists and Hallmark and confectioners to make a bundle. It was made for LOVE.
It's a holiday that school children celebrate. Remember decorating your Valentine Sack, at least that's what we had, to hold all those cards you got from nearly every member of your class? I think they've progressed to Valentine decorated boxes now, but hey, times are better now.
It's a time for Valentine Dances and the pressure they put on junior and senior high youth. Whom shall I ask? Should I go with the first one that asks me? And invariably, what if no one asks me? How do I mask that disappointment?
It's a time for some serious dating and taking out. It's time for yes, flowers and cards and presents and don't ever forget how it is important to those married. I made the mistake after 2 years of marriage of ignoring the holiday. What was I thinking? Never again.
So while you have a love in your life, no matter what age, just celebrate it. If there's no current love, then either vow to have one next year. Or rely on that old excuse when you didn't get asked to that dance. Better yet, be your own Valentine and buy your own chocolates. You can skip the card if you like.
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