They used to call Student Teaching Practice Teaching. They changed that. But lawyers, counselors, PC's still practice law. I know, physicians practice medicine, too.
There's something about the term that I don't like. And I don't like to practice much of anything. That's why my golf scores have ballooned. I just don't practice, and if you want to play good golf or anything that resembles good golf, you have to practice.
I don't even take a practice swing most of the time. I just address the ball take a look down the fairway and have a swing thought or two and let it rip. Once on the putting green, I take a prefunctory look at the hole and pick out a target and let it fly. When I chip, sometimes I don't even walk up to the green to see how much difference there is between green and landing area over the trap.
Lazy? Yep. Careless? Yep. Apathetic? 3-for 3 I'm even stoogier than the stooges.
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