At first glance, I saw a witch. I know it's a short broom, thick as well, but that's what I saw. And I'm sticking with it. Of course, it's all about a gull with the moon at its wing. Or is it the setting sun?
If it's the sun, I've never noticed it so black. If it were that black, then the sun would be obscured as well. And if it's the moon, then why have I never seen the moon set over the water?
It must, mustn't it? I've seen both sun and moon together many, many times. Now, I'm really thinking hard. Isn't it crazy how some seemingly easy grade school stuff can seem complex sometimes? Does the moon set? It would have to for it to be seen on the other side of the world.
But why are there no pictures? Why no comments about a beautiful moonset this morning? In fact, why was the moon, full and bright, so high in the Arizona sky this morning at 5:00 when I went outside to fetch the morning paper?
There's a principle here somewhere that I'm missing. Maybe it's the one about two orbital paths. But I still can't quite fathom how the moon can be seen in two hemispheres unless its positioning is longitudinally. Ok, I'm going back to the original picture of the witch. That's a lot easier to explain. Or for me to comprehend.
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