While I loved the old Belushi vehicle (I wonder why they call a movie a vehicle?) Animal House, it is totally fiction or totally the truth. I don't know. Only one in our family has ever had any Greek experience. The rest of us were too busy or too not into it as the characters from Friends might say.
In college, my wife-to-be was into school (high school valedictorian) and work and trying to finagle a way to see her out-of-town husband- to- be.
As for me, I was going to school for one reason--a draft deferment. Oh, I probably would have gone to college anyway(s), but I'm not sure I would have stuck it out without the student deferment. I don't even remember where Greek Row was when I was in school. I knew only one frat guy well. One. So I wasn't much into that scene because I was trying to get together with that valedictorian I was talking about.
Our son roomed with a buddy who was rushed (or is it rushing?) and they would come to his dorm at 3 am and have him do stupid stuff. Once he had to do 50 push ups. Our son, sleep deprived even now as an adult, had no interest. At least not in that frat.
Our daughter was a sororiety gal. But hers was more in absentia or sine quo non or no writ of habeas corpus or something Latin in a Greek world. You see, she never rushed or stayed at the sor house; she's was just a member. She was a vice president in ASU's student government and active in her college major receiving numerous honors, so as a junior she was recruited to a sorority to help their image, I guess. I don't think she did much with them except buy me a golf shirt with the Greek letters indicating the sororiety.
So was Animal House realistic? You'll have to find out from some other family.
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