Well, not from a can. Once while taking a tour of the Motorola Factory in Tianjin, China, we were served a lunch that offered chicken feet. And I tried them. Didn't care for them.
But I didn't care a lot for the food we ate in Japan and Korea either. Or as I've said before, no one does Chinese like America.
In fact when it comes to Cantonese, I can't even take the American kind. I blame it on the Jockey Club in Hong Kong where we had a special meal prepared for us during the Moon Festival. It was to honor some historic trade agreement between the two countries. But the food was so bad. I would have traded the whole meal for a can of chicken feet. Well, maybe not.
But I would have traded it for kimchi in South Korea. Or maybe the chrysanthemums in grape sauce we had as an appetizer in Japan. Most definitely, I would have traded any three Asian meals for one meal at P. F. Changs.
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