Fresh out of the Brussels Conference on Global Warming comes the scientists drawing of the GW Bird of the future. Don't worry: most of us won't be around to see this bird.
Its turkey-like feathers serve as a filter from dust particles caused because of a skorched earth and dried up river beds. Its eyes have a protective cotelydon type film over them to block out harmful UV rays which will be at a premium since the depletion of the ozone layer according to the report. Its feet are quasi hydrolic much like airplanes tires and mechanisms for landing. And they're stored in the abdomen sac.
Bats won't be the only night flying birds. The built in sonar will help them to hunt at night and stay out of the sun in the hottest times of the day.
The colorful bird (a male is pictured) is artistically rendered, of course. But so are the findings and speculations based on a short time frame.
Hey that's what happens when scientists go PC, and they listen to the guy with the emmy. You know, the one who invented the internet.
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