In the election campaigning/propaganda. They're going to use this movie title to refer to John McCain. So I'll do it first. I mean they've already called him McSame. And as when Bensen said to Quayle, "You're no Jack Kennedy," I wish his prompters would have advised him to say, "You're right, thank Heaven, I'm not."
What's wrong with McSame? We're safe in the USA. Relatively speaking. There have been zero attacks on our soil since the horrendous 9/11. Zero. American deaths in Iraq, 4,000--that's terrible, I agree. But how many years did it take for that number to exceed those innocent men, women, and children killed at the World Trade Center and Pentagon? And they were not volunteers. Yes, folks, we now have a volunteer army. No draft as in Viet Nam. So don't compare. Don't think I'm slighting any death incurred by the military that I hugely respect. Because I'm not. But they weren't drafted, unwillingly.
The economy (stupid) has been robust. Not, certainly if you listen to the media. But take a ride. What do you see? People in nice SUVs. Sure they're complaining away about gas prices, but that's because they're spoiled. Go to a mall. There may not be huge numbers there, but that's primarily because most have their closets full already from cheap labor products produced elsewhere. Is that all bad?
I could go on. I haven't run out of why conditions in this country are so good. Under the G.W. Bush administration. But, you know what? I'm not going to change one person. Either you see things the way I do or you don't. There is definitely division in our country. Nobama, Nillary, nor McSame are going to change that. Nor will the nightmares of universal health care and immigration.
But I still think the US is a country for old men. And young men. And old and young women. We have problems, sure, but we're so blessed that we can't see the greatness we have to enjoy. If ever the cliche, "don't throw the baby out with the bath water" was apropos, it's now.
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