Mia Farrow took this photo in Chad. It made me think of 3 things.
Black is beautiful. Always has been. Well, maybe not always, especially when I see some of the hip hop styles that some dress in. But I'm rabbit trailing. But Black, Brown, Red(?) I really don't see how Native Americans were Red; Yellow(?) same with Orientals. Whatever color, if Jesus can love them as the song says, then why can't I? And they are beautiful. But I remember when the saying "Black is Beautiful" was popular. It came at a time in our country's history when Blacks did not feel especially beautiful. At least on the national stage. It was uplifting to them, as it revealed a truth.
The second thing the picture made me think of was remembering when Mia Farrow was beautiful. As Allison Mackenzie on "Peyton Place", she had a refreshing, beautiful, healthy look about her. Long, clean well kept hair she was very attractive. Then she chopped her hair as if to run from her beauty. She seemed to hang out with Woody Allen and others who changed her for the worst. "Rosemary's Baby" did nothing for her and she faded, literally.
The third thing I thought about was spawned by my morning walk/jog. My jogging days are behind me, but during every walk I include a short jog, just for old times sake, I guess. I saw a friend I hadn't seen in a year or two. Quite old, quite wrinkly, she has had 7 operations on her face for skin cancer. But she's so kind. She is beautiful. Isn't it about time, with all the baby boomers growing older and older despite our efforts to maintain, that someone started a campaign?
Ok, I'll do it. Let's start with a slogan. Let's borrow from the past. I have it: "Old is beautiful (Just don't look too closely)".
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