the slighting of President Bush. I know he's unpopular, but he's still right. I know McCain wants to distance himself from the Prez, but that's not right.
So before revisionists totally obliterate the W Years, I want to add some fodder that shows him in a positive light.
Since 9/11 there have been 11,788 terrorist attacks throughout the world, according to the AZ Republic on September 8, 2008. None on American soil. Thanks, Mr. President.
Because of US military involvement in two wars, millions of people have been liberated from tyrannical regimes. The governments in both countries have established democratically elected governments. Casualties from both wars have been among the lowest in US history. Plus, the wars were fought by a volunteer army. To me, that makes a huge difference.
Economically, the stock market is up over 3,000 points in the Bush years. Only within the last quarter has unemployment risen. Until then it was near historic lows. Our gross domestic product has increased by 40%.
And that's what the Republicans should have been telling the nation. But with the political climate being what it is, when the country can embrace the Clintons and Jimmy Carter, well maybe President Bush won't mind being dissed. For awhile. Until another Republican victory with the McCain/Palin ticket.
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