If I were God and had His power, I'd misuse it so bad. Today, I'd cause lightning to strike the entertainment industry. The people who bring us terrible tv shows and movies.
I'm most upset about the language I hear or the language bleeped out when it's obviously apparent what the person said. I mean we've all heard those words. We know that many people use them in everyday life. So let's get over it. It doesn't make it any less real not to use the "seven words you can't say on tv" from George Carlin days. I'd guess there may be fewer now. If you count the bleeps but don't cut away, then there are zero words today.
Language is important. Words are important. Biden yesterday confused FDR with Herbert Hoover in an interview. He should be taken to task for it. Obama said in an earlier interview that he had campaigned in 56 or 57 states not counting Hawaii or Alaska. He, too, should have been held responsible. Poor Danny Quayle was for his potato mistake. But that's media bias. Not the subject of my ranting today.
Last night I watched a baseball player cuss when he didn't know the camera was on him. Yes, I lip read, but it was obvious. I lost respect for him. But it wasn't scripted. It wasn't studied, rehearsed, taked (as in "take one/ take two"), so I don't find that as offensive. But if I were an actor and was told to say those words, well, I'd be a struggling actor looking for work because I wouldn't do it.
Now I'm not bucking for sainthood here. Yesterday I uttered a few choice words when I hit a ridiculously bad shot into a sand trap. But it wasn't very audible, none of my three playing partners heard, I didn't use the Lord's name, it wasn't scripted, I'm certainly not perfect. AND there wasn't a camera around.
I regained my composure. And left the ball just barely out of the trap before hitting it onto the green for a double bogey.
Now others, including my wife would say that if I just thought the words that was as bad as saying them. Man, she's tough.
But let's try to do something to clean up the language on tv and in the movies. Because I'm getting mad as he## and I can't take it any longer.
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