Saturday at The Fall Harvest Festival in MTV, I marched in a parade. A former student of mine and a former boss of our son's is running for re-election as a judge. I was glad to sport his shirt and campaign for him via my feet.
The Fall Harvest takes the place of former Sweet Corn and Watermelon which also featured a parade. Why the city changed, I don't know. Sure it was hot for the Sweet Corn Fest, but hey that's when corn and watermelon taste the best. Now there's competition from an airshow and high school Homecoming and another type festival in Centralia, I think. At least it's mighty close to the famous Halloween Parade they hold every year for forever.
But a good time was had by all as they used to say when reporting family reunions. I saw a few old friends and nearly took out a toddler when I attempted to throw beads to two former teacher friends and their little ones. What a rag arm!
It's always good to get back home and see our son and our grandkids. It's also always good to enjoy October weather there. Even though there was almost no one on the golf course on Friday on a beautiful day just screaming for pars and birdies and camaraderie.
It's also always good to get back home and see new friends and cooler weather. Golf is much harder to play these days in AZ with the overseeding. So much in fact that we're teeing off tomorrow at 6:45 AM after a 45 minute drive to get there. But the other courses are closed or overseeding or cart path only. So we suffer. Poor babies.
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