In July we resided in Coronado, California. The AZ heat took its toll on us this Summer, so we took leave for awhile. We became Zonies as Summer people are called in California.
The house we rented was built in 1914 as I think I've shared in an earlier entry. The older I get, the more I appreciate history. Maybe that's why they only let old codgers teach that subject in high school and college. At least, that's my experience.
Two cool things about the history. The second owner of the house won it in a poker game at the Coronado Del Hotel. Can you imagine winning a house? How about losing one? How about explaining it to your family?
The other cool thing was that Bing Crosby knew an owner of the house in later years and often times visited and sang in the massive living room. How cool would that have been.
I'm about the only person who ever sings in our house. Lots of times it's just stupid stuff. Like an old song that jumps into my head. Sometimes, just a partial lyric. Except for when we've hosted our Sunday School Christmas parties, then we sing carols. But no Bings in our midst.
I don't remember singing any songs in Bing's living room, but I might have. I recently sang "Happy Birthday" to our granddaughter in a Donald Duck voice. I think she liked it, but I'm sure no one else did. I even offered to sing it again for our daughter-in-law just two weeks later for her birthday. She declined.
If I could just learn to croon.
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